National Institute for the software industry

The National Institute for the Software Industry is the bridge between science and daily practice in the software industry.
NISI offers third grade (dutch) IT students additonal support on their graduation research thesis. The student is supported by suitable empirical environments to increase validity of the research results.
A selection of organizations that collaborate with the NISI Foundation.

Course development
NISI works together with IT professionals to develop course material. With this material you are able to expand your IT knowledge and optimize your impact on the Dutch IT industry.
Software Product Management
Software product managers experience conflicting interests and high pressure to deliver short-cycle. Managing these interests requires broad knowledge and expertise. Without these skills, software product managers miss out on market opportunities and the market value of their products deteriorates.
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Software Tailorability
Our Software Tailorability course addresses the biggest dilemma for software vendors: "Offer a customer-specific implementation or develop a generic solution for all customers." Customers want the best of both worlds: (1) total fulfillment of all specific requirements and (2) the cost advantages of a standard product.
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SPM Excellence in Product Strategy
This course is aimed at further dissecting the product strategy methods and their practical usage. During the course there is plenty of time for realistic case studies, exercises and we will answer the question: "What is the right strategy to achieve corporate sucess during these rapidly changing times?".
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SPM Excellence in Product Planning
This course is aimed at encompassing all topics that deal with the planning and management of implementing product strategy in the ongoign development of a software product.During the course there is plenty of time for realistic case studies, exercises and we will answer the question: "How can you implement your vision and strategy in a structured & efficient way?"
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Aftermovie - NISI Testevent 2022
On Thursday the second of June 2022 our NISI Test Event took place. A successful evening, with informative topics such as: Context of Test Automation, Complementing GUI testing scripts with smart monkey testing and Test Automation On Track. The speakers have beautifully realised the bridge between science and daily practice in the software industry!
"It’s a blessing to be able to experience the development of the NISI. Thanks to our network and main sponsor Wiconic, we contributed to our company’s mission with this event."
- Jan Vlietland, Lecturer UU - Co-Founder NISI - CEO Wiconic